
In order to fund our operations we encourage and promote Membership of our organisation upon three levels. Individual Associate Membership, Group Membership and Corporate Membership, details of costs are upon the (Contact/Join Us) page on this website.

No matter what grade of Membership the advantages are the same. We are often asked what the benefits of becoming a Member(s) of the James Garnett Foundation can offer.

To simplify and explain what these benefits are we have drawn up a list of them, as outlined below -

We can help our Members to;

*Organise, arrange and perform official ceremonies within the UK and Europe that you wish us to administer be they family or community, liaising with all authoritative bodies and organisations on your behalf.

*Utilise our expansive networks to access specialist services, for example, providing wreaths, personnel, helping to make official applications for medals, service records, genealogical research and finding and repatriating artefacts.

*Source and make referrals for private treatment programmes that can sometimes be provided free of charge and can be accessed quickly.

*Provide pro-active platforms through educational resources by means of entertaining and talks/lectures to your group at a huge discount as compared to providing this service to non-members.

*Arrange, organise and facilitate specialist trips in the UK and Europe to include battlefield tours and personal pilgrimages with FULLY INCLUSIVE PACKAGES at a huge discount to our Members.

*Wherever possible, investigate, locate, document and if necessary take you to the areas of where your relative fell in battle, even if they have the misfortune of having no known grave.

*Fight for your rights and open up a case file if necessary to champion your cause and take positive action with the appropriate authorities.

*Access the mainstream media very quickly on your behalf and for the good of any cause presented to us that warrants interest in the public domain that affects any of our Members.


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